Audition Form: The Source Dance Company

Contact information

How many years of training have you had in the following?

Please check... *
 3 or less years4567Other...
Hip Hop

About YOU!

More about you...

Rate yourself in the following
3-Most of the time
2-Not really
1-No! *
I am self motivated
I need to be inspired by others
I am interested in performing on cruise ships
I am a hard worker in every dance class
I enjoy being part of a team

Final questions!

If you are accepted as a member of the Source, you will be required to commit to the following classes and rehearsals, please indicate if you are able to attend: *
 Write yes or no!
Wednesdays 8:15-10:15pm
Thursdays 8:15-10:45pm
Saturdays 4:30-7:30pm
Sundays 5:00-8:00pm
Directors Classes Monday 12:00-1:30pm
Additional mandatory classes at Director's discretion
Thank you for auditioning for the Source Dance Company!

All video auditions will be reviewed by the artistic director and Source faculty.
If you are being considered for a position in the Source, you may be contacted by email to provide more footage of your dancing.

Good luck!
What to include on your video:

- A short introduction (tell us who you are!)

    - Across the floor technique (turns, jumps etc)

    - A short contemporary combo (1 minute minimum)

    - A short hip hop combo (1 minute minimum)

    - A short jazz combo (if you haven't included jazz technique/across the floor)

Videos must be received no later than March 31, 2025 to be considered for Early Placement.  If you miss this deadline, Late Placement deadline is June 30, 2025. There may be less availability at this time, so it's best to submit as soon as you are able.