Waiver of Liability and Informed Consent
COVID-19 Waiver
LIABILITY WAIVER: On behalf of myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assignees: I hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages which I may have against the Fargo-Moorhead Club, its Board of Directors, Officers, Members, Training Director and Training Staff, as well as any others connected with this class or event, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assignees for any and all injuries which I and/or any member of my family and/or friends, or my dog may suffer or cause while taking part in this class or event or as a result thereof. I consent that photographs taken while involved in Fargo-Moorhead Kennel Club activities may be used or reproduced by the Fargo-Moorhead Kennel Club for educational promotional purposes, including news media and publications.
Hereafter, the American Kennel Club will be referred to as AKC
Hereafter, Fargo-Moorhead Kennel Club, Fargo, ND will be referred to as Site
Hereafter, Fargo-Moorhead Kennel Club (FMKC) will be referred to as Club
Further, I hereby indemnify and hold harmless the Site, and the Club, their owners/board members, employees, assistants and volunteers from any and all claims by or liability to any third party arising out of my participation in the Site and Club event. Any liability to anyone for any incident involving myself, the location, or those pets or actions of other participants and spectators will be my sole responsibility and I assume all financial liability and will also assume all and any financial costs associated with my actions.