AD ASTRA - KANSAS CITY’S YOUTH ORCHESTRA is looking for amazing woodwind, brass and percussion players just like you!

AD ASTRA will be celebrating the end of our very first season in grand fashion with a performance of the majestic Finale from Gustav Mahler’s epic Third Symphony. This performance will feature over 120 musicians from all over the Kansas City area including members of the Kansas City Symphony, Grammy nominated artists and the Kansas City Horn Club. Our goal is to literally pack the stage and rafters with amazing musicians, just like you, from all over Kansas City! 

Come and join us for what will be a musical experience you will never forget!

Questions?  Send us an email to

Concert: Friday, May 2

8:00 pm (Dress Rehearsal/Call Time is 6:30 pm)

Atonement Lutheran Church in Overland Park

Rehearsal: Tuesday, April 22

7:00 - 8:00 pm

*Rehearsal on 4/22 is not required.

Sylvester Powell Community Center in Mission

Want to see the parts/music first?  Click on the link below and find your instrument/part. (Please note we are not performing the original work. This is an arrangement suited for high school level musicians and above.)

CLICK HERE FOR PARTS (You are more than welcome to download and print.  This piece is currently out of print.)

CLICK HERE TO WATCH/LISTEN to the music (excerpt of the great Leonard Bernstein and Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.

Questions?  Email Russ Pieken at


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