Whitman Hanson Athletics
Home of the Panthers!

A Summer of Fun for our Future Panthers
The school nurse may not be present during before, after school, or extra curricular programs

Student Information

Please check which Clinic(s) you would like to register for *

Parent/Guardian Information

An email confirmation will be sent upon receipt of your registration form.

I give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the WH Athletic Clinic.  I agree to hold Whitman-Hanson, Bob Rodgers, Mike Costa, all coaches, clinic counselors, officials, trainers and agents free from any liability whatsoever in the event of any type of injury or illness; I also certify that my son/daughter has been through a physical examination within the last 13 months and that he/she is healthy and able to participate in the clinic. I also give my permission for the program to seek medical attention for my son/daughter in the event of an injury,  but again will not hold the camp, its coaches, Whitman-Hanson Regional School District or its agents liable for said medical care or lack there of. I understand that he school nurse may not be present for this program.
Please bring a signed copy of this form with you on the first day of the clinics. ALSO, please include a copy of a recent Physical Exam.

Payment Information

Send checks to ("Panther Basketball Clinic" Whitman-Hanson Regional High School, 600 Franklin Street, Whitman, MA 02382;  Please send $25 deposit to hold your spot or you can pay full fee of ($250 for full day camp and $150 for half day camp).  (Checks are made payable to WH Basketball - all proceeds from our clinics go to our basketball teams).