
Welcome to the SLE year evaluation.  We would like to know how you have worked towards achieving the goals for the SLE's.
Please read the statement and check one of the boxes.
Grade *

Active Christian

1. I am an ACTIVE CHRISTIAN who has a basic knowledge of the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church, basic prayers, and use of the Bible. *
2. I am an ACTIVE CHRISTIAN who demonstrates my faith by sharing my time and resources in the service of others. *
3. I am an ACTIVE CHRISTIAN who has developed a moral conscience and makes decisions in the light of Gospel values. *
4. I am an ACTIVE CHRISTIAN who witnesses my faith through respect for God, self, and others. *
5. I am an ACTIVE CHRISTIAN who participates in communal Liturgical celebrations. *

Confident Communicator

6. I am a CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR who expresses myself effectively in both written and oral form. *
7. I am a CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR who speaks clearly and confidently. *
8. I am a CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR who listens critically and compassionately. *
9. I am a CONFIDENT COMMUNICATOR who uses technology responsibly for learning, communication, and enjoyment. *

Fully Integrated Individual

10. I am a FULLY INTEGRATED INDIVIDUAL who understands and utilizes my own unique gifts and talents and appreciates the unique gifts and talents of others. *
11. I am a FULLY INTEGRATED INDIVIDUAL who approaches life and learning with a sense of self worth. *
12. I am a FULLY INTEGRATED INDIVIDUAL who works independently and collaboratively. *
13. I am a FULLY INTEGRATED INDIVIDUAL who possesses basic athletic skills and demonstrates good sportsmanship. *
14. I am a FULLY INTEGRATED INDIVIDUAL who practices good health habits and personal hygiene. *

Life Long Learner

15. I am a LIFE LONG LEARNER who possesses a solid foundation of basic skills which enable me to communicate effectively and solve problems independently. *
16. I am a LIFE LONG LEARNER who demonstrates curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. *
17. I am a LIFE LONG LEARNER who recognizes and utilizes my own strengths and weaknesses as guidelines for self-improvement and enrichment. *
18. I am a LIFE LONG LEARNER who possesses organizational and study skills. *

Responsible Citizen

19. I am a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN who represents my family, parish, and school with pride and decorum. *
20. I am a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN who recognizes and appreciates my personal heritage as well as the cultural diversity of society. *
21. I am a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN who understands the need for different points of view in making well-informed choices and decisions. *
22. I am a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN who possesses the social skills necessary for peaceful conflict resolution. *
23. I am a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN who is cognizant of and demonstrates concern for global issues. *
24. I am a RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN who is ecologically responsible. *
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