Student/s Information

New or returning student? *
Are you a new family in our area ? *

Second child

2nd student
New or returning student? *

Third child

3rd student
New or returning student? *

Tuition and Donation

I'm interested in donating
Classes will be held on Mondays

 Registration fee is $100 for each student and Tuition is $1,300

During online registration, you are charged with registration fees only

As in last year, we ask you to make a donation for the school according to your ability

Donations are important to the security of our school’s budget and allow for enriching the content provided

Donations are tax deductible - Tax ID 45-3245413

Scholarship - to apply for scholarship, see the link above

Registration and payment of registration fees are necessary to discuss the request for a scholarship

Household / Adult Contact

Emergency Contact (not parents)

Medical Information

I hereby give consent to the administration of the Israeli Complemenrary School to take whatever medical measures they deem necessary for all my children registered above in the event of a medical emergency.
Medical Release Consent *

Photo Release Form

I authorize the Israeli complementary School to have use, publish, and reproduce photographs, slides, moving pictures or video tapes of all my children mentioned in the participants, for its records, public relations efforts, newspapers, the school's website or other social media websites. No names will be disclosed.
Photo Release Consent *


Registration payment must be given using Paypal or credit card. For paying using a credit card choose Paypal payment on the next page and follow the directions for credit card payment.  Please select the appropriate option in the next page. After paying you can go back to get a receipt with all the values entered on the form.
Note: Your registration is not complete unless you finalize your payment
Current Total: