Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2019 Trends in Occupational Studies Conference.
Attention: The information submitted on this form is used in all conference materials, including the program, brochures, and name tags, as submitted. Please verify your email address, as most conference information is sent via email. Check your junk mail!
All submissions will be reviewed and considered by the planning committee with your designation of "Session Audience" in the submission form. The planning committee may contact you for additional information if necessary. If you have questions, please contact Conference and Professional Services via email at, or by phone at (231) 591-5808.
After completing this form, you will receive an email detailing your submission. It will be sent only to the lead presenter's email. Your acceptance letter will arrive via email to the lead presenter. Please provide a valid email address.
Submissions that are incomplete will not be considered. Please use the printable form for planning purposes and only submit your final proposal once using the electronic form.
We would like to request a short biographical statement for each Lead Presenter and Co-Presenter as an introduction prior to the breakout session by the host.