Registration Form

Event Details

Event Date: Sunday, October 20, 2024 11:30AM-4:30PM
Event Location: Killarney Community Center, 6260 Killarney St, Vancouver, BC V5S 2X7
Late registration received after the time will NOT be accepted. Thank you.
Tournament Rules: 
At this tournament, competitors are given the opportunity to perform a kata of their choice in front of an audience and five trained judges. Only approved katas are eligible in the tournament setting and will be evaluated using an established and approved scoring system. During the tournament, all five judges' scores will be revealed after each competitor's performance. Of the five scores, the middle three scores of each competitor are added to calculate an overall score; these overall scores will determine the final ranking of all competitors in each division.
Should there be a tie between competitors within a division, a tie-breaker contingency will be initiated and a tie-breaker performance between identified competitors may be required. At the conclusion of the tournament, the final ranking for all divisions will be announced, and awards for the top three competitors of each division will be presented. If in the instance competitors are asked to perform again to tie-break scores, they will be required to perform a different kata from their first performance. The alternative kata must be an eligible kata for their division.
At the end of the tournament, medals and trophies will be awarded. Children 12 and under will receive medals. Teens and adults will receive medals and first-place trophies. 

Competitor Information


Division Information

Select Kata Division: *
Please note: Any divisions 12 and under may be further segmented into sub-divisions if there is a high volume of registrations. Sub-divisions are categorized by age and belt stripes which help keep a manageable level of competition and make room for more winners.