Troop Information Change Request Form

A lot can happen in a year. Let us know about the changes in your troop!

Simply fill out the form below and we will make the changes for you within 5-10 business days. If additional information is needed, we will contact you.

If you have any questions, please email us or call 402.558.8189.

Change(s) Needed: *

Edit Troop Description

Does your troop have a main focus? We can add this information to your troop description. Enter any additional information you think a new person would need to know before joining your troop (i.e. camping, cultural focus, faith-based, travel, community service). Feel free to copy from these samples to help build your troop's description.


Traditional Troop – This is an established Girl Scout troop that meets regularly through the school year. Troops are encouraged to choose badges, awards, and activities that give girls a broad experience. Girls will build life skills as they gain new friends.

Artistic Troop – We are an artistic troop that loves to be creative! In addition to pursuing our leadership and service activities, the girls tend to pursue the more artistic badges and projects. We tend to take a break each summer, resuming in the fall.

Outdoorsy Troop – Our troop loves the outdoors! We make sure to go to camp at least once during the school year – at least for day events if not an overnight. We also go to camp together each summer, and have a goal to sell enough cookies for horse camp this year.

Sporty Troop  Our troop’s girls are very active with school sports and choose Girl Scout activities that supplement those interests. We go to camp each year, and the girls favor the health and activity badges. We also love to attend the “Girl Scout Nights” with our local sporting teams.

Science-Loving Troop – This troop loves science! The girls love working on the STEM badges, and we plan to go to Robotics Camp together this summer. The girls also have a passion for improving our community, and we’ll be working on our Bronze Award this year.

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Edit Troop Grade Levels

Troop Grade Levels (check all that apply): *

Edit Troop Meeting Days

Edit Troop Meeting Location

You can also update this information using the "Troop" tab in MY GS.

Increase Maximum Number of Girls in Troop

Desired number of girls is the total number of girls you would like to have in your troop. The recommended number of girls is 12. You can also update this information using the troop tab in MY GS.

Troop Member Transfer

Will Accept New Troop Members

Will Accept New Girl Members in Grades (check all that apply): *
Will Accept New Volunteers (check all that apply): *

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