Troop End-of-Year Review Form

Thank you for volunteering with Girl Scouts! We hope you had a year full of exciting girl-led experiences. Please complete the following questions to let us know how your year went and to let us know your intent for the 2023-2024 Girl Scout year. If you have more than one troop, please complete one form per troop.

If you have any questions, please email us or call 800.695.6690.

Your Contact Information

Looking Back at the 22-23 Girl Scout Year

1. What grade levels were represented in your troop? *
2. Overall, how engaged were your girls this year? *
3. Which Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE) processes were you able to incorporate into your year?: *
4. Which activities did your troop do/accomplish this year? *
5. Rate how do you think your girls developed in the following leadership outcomes this year: *
 Skills ImprovedNo ChangeNeeds Improvement
Strong Sense of Self: Have confidence in themselves and their abilities and form positive identities.
Positive Values: Act ethically, honestly, and responsibly, and show concern for others.
Challenge Seeking: Take appropriate risks, try things even if they might fail, and learn from mistakes.
Healthy Relationships: Communicate their feeling directly and constructively resolve conflicts.
Community Problem Solving: Want to make the world a better place, learn to identify problems in their community and create “action plans” to solve them.

Looking Ahead at the 23-24 Girl Scout Year

1. Does the troop plan to continue? *
2. How many girls are returning to the troop? *
3. Will the troop be accepting new girl members? *
4. How many adults (parents, volunteers, etc.) are returning to the troop? *
5. Do you have any co-leaders that are not returning? *
6. Do you have any new co-leaders joining the troop? *
7. What would you like assistance with or more information about next year? *