Membership Financial Aid Application

Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska is committed to providing all girls and adults the opportunity to participate in the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Please complete one form per household. You may apply for up to four girls and two parents/caregivers per application. This application will automatically omit sections that do not apply to you.

NOTE: Adults may only apply for financial aid if they are a Troop Co-Leader, reside in either Rock County or Sherman County, Nebraska, or have a WellCare/Healthy Blue Medicaid Health Plan.

If you have any questions, please email us or call 402.558.8189.

Section 1: Household Information

Who Are You Applying For? (check all that apply) *

Section 2: Girl Information

Not Applicable

Girl Applicant 1

2. Requesting Aid For (check all that apply): *

Girl Applicant 2

2. Requesting Aid For (check all that apply): *

Girl Applicant 3

2. Requesting Aid For (check all that apply): *

Girl Applicant 4

2. Requesting Aid For (check all that apply): *

Section 3: Parent/Caregiver Information

NOTE: Adults may only qualify for financial aid if they are a Troop Co-Leader, reside in Rock County, NE, or have a WellCare/Healthy Blue Medicaid Health Plan.

Not Applicable

Parent/Caregiver Applicant 1


Parent/Caregiver Applicant 2


Section 4: Qualifying Financial Information

NOTE: Adults may only qualify for financial aid if they are a Troop Co-Leader, reside in Rock County, NE, or have a WellCare/Healthy Blue Medicaid Health Plan.

0/100 characters
0/500 characters

Section 5: Signature

I certify that all of the information on this application is true and complete.

Signature: *