Gold Award Mini Grant Application

Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska is excited that you are working on your Gold Award. The council is offering you the opportunity to apply for a mini grant to help fund your project.

What is the Girl Scouts Spirit of Nebraska Gold Award Mini Grant?

Any Spirit of Nebraska Girl Scout currently working on her Gold Award who has had her initial project proposal approved by the Gold Award Committee is eligible to apply for the mini grant.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Girl Scout has previously participated in the Cookie Program, or will participate going forward.
  2. Recipients of the Gold Award Mini Grant agree to share photos of their completed project, which will be used in council promotions.
  3. Recipients must provide receipts of their spending of the funds.

Selection Process

Grant applications will be reviewed by a Spirit of Nebraska staff committee and applicants will be notified of funding within 30 days of submitting this application.

If you have any questions, please email us or call 402.558.8189.

Applicant Information

Gold Award Project Details

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