HAPPY HOMES ANIMAL RESCUE FOSTER APPLICATION: All applicants must be over 21 years old and be the home owner or lease in their name.

Do you own transportation: *
Foster is a commitment from start to finish. Are you willing to invest how ever many months it may take to get your foster available *
We pay for all of our medical care for our cats and dogs with our local veterinary Country Animal Clinic in Monroe NJ.  All medical for our cats and dogs must be taken to our veterinary unless another agreement has been worked out with the director. No medical will be approved without the sign off of the director.  The rescue can provide any medications needed for any foster pet.  Please intial agreeing to these terms _______________
We are a close group of volunteers that really values team work and helping eachother out.  All fosters are helped through the process.  No foster animal owned by Happy Homes can be adopted out individually.  All our cats must be adopted out through the rescue with the appropriate reference and back ground checks.  Please initial  _______________
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