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Climate Resilient Communities Fund | Application Form

Closing date for applications is Tuesday, 29 October 2024

Please read the climate resilient communities fund guidelines before completing this application

To help you plan your application, download a copy of this form in MS Word format. You can then type into it and when you're ready, copy and paste your text into this online application form.

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Use the 'Log in' button (on the right of your screen) to create a username and password so that you can fill in the form and save the data as you go. If you need to, you can sign back in and return to where you left off, without losing any information that you have already filled in.

To save your information, scroll to the end of the page and use the 'Save Progress' button. Remember to save before closing your browser.

1. Applicant details

Physical address

Postal address (if different from above)

Legal status of the organisation: *
Applicants with no formal legal structure must nominate an umbrella organisation (which has agreed to receive and administer funds on your behalf).

Umbrella organisation administering project funding
The Umbrella organisation will be legally accountable to Northland Regional Council for fund expenditure.

Must match the name on the bank account information supplied.

Legal status (Umbrella Organisation): *

Key Project contact person

Alternative Project contact person

Umbrella Organisation contact person

Bank account details

Must match the Organisation name (or Umbrella Organisation name) supplied.

2. Project information

Amount of funding sought:
The total funding available for any one application is between $5,000 and $40,000 excluding GST.
(Add N/A into the field that's not applicable).
Excluding GST
Including GST
Which of the Climate Resilient Communities Fund priority impact areas does your project align to?
Select all priorities relevant to your project. *

3. Project plan

When will the project take place?
The expected timeframe to complete the project is one year from grant of funds.
Estimated timeframe for completing project outcomes:
  • Provide key milestones and expected dates for delivery. These may be used in providing further detail in the financial table.
  • Please complete as many lines as required.
 Task - what will you do?Start dateEnd date
Milestone #1
Milestone #2
Milestone #3
Milestone #4
Milestone #5

4. Budget

Itemised list / Activity description (please provide details of quantities and costs per item). Please complete as many lines as required.
  • Please complete as many lines as required.
Note: For groups NOT GST registered, provide cost Excl GST; for groups WITH GST registration, provide cost Incl GST. 🛈
 Key deliverables description:Delivery date:Cost (Excl GST) :Cost (Incl GST):

3. Declarations

I/We certify that to the best of our/my knowledge the information contained in this application is correct: *
I/We certify that I/we have obtained the consent of all people involved to provide these details: *

6. Need help?

For any enquiries related to the preparation of your application, please contact: 

Kim Wall
Climate Resilience Advisor, Northland Regional Council
Phone: 0800 002 004