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2025 Whakamānawa ā Taiao - Environmental Awards

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Use the 'Log in' button (on the right of your screen) to create a username and password so that you can fill in the form and save the data as you go. If you need to, you can sign back in and return to where you left off, without losing any information that you have already filled in.

To save your information, scroll to the end of the page and use the 'Save Progress' button. Remember to save before closing your browser.

Entry details

Where the entry is submitted by a group, you must name one person who is the key contact.
Nominee information
Nominee confirmation:
(Download the Full Entry Criteria if required) *
Nominator details
Complete only if you are nominating a person or group you are not affiliated with.


This should be a brief summary of the project or contribution. While the judges won’t score this section, it’s important because it gives them a quick background and can be used for promotion if your entry is successful. 

In your summary, consider the following:   

  • When did it start and who is involved? 
  • What is the purpose and objectives?  
  • What are the key environmental outcomes or achievements? 
  • How does it consider te ao Māori (Māori worldview)?
The following criteria will be used to judge your application:

General: (20 points)

Please answer the following questions:

Award categories (80 points)

You can submit a nomination in up to two categories but each application needs to be submitted on a separate form. Judges reserve the right to consider a nominee in a different category, if they deem that to be more appropriate.
Please select ONE category from this list: *