Maharishi Vedic Science in the Light of Total Knowledge
with Dr. Peter Warburton
This is an online self-study course consisting of 16 lessons (1.5 hours each) which can be viewed at your convenience.
It includes all of the videos from the historic Vedic Science course which Maharishi offered in Maastricht, Netherlands in 1991, plus discussions led by Dr. Peter Warburton.
Country Discounts: We offer discounts to course participants in some countries. To receive a Country Discount, please find your country code in the list below and type it into the Country Code box.

Website login info will be emailed to you immediately after signing up.

Please type your discount code into the Country Code box—if a discount code is listed.
Maharishi Vedic Science in the Light of Total Knowledge
Maharishi Vedic Science in the Light of Total Knowledge
Maharishi Vedic Science in the Light of Total Knowledge
Maharishi Vedic Science in the Light of Total Knowledge (Person #2)
Refund Policy: We offer a full refund to anyone who requests it before starting the third session.
Note to Europeans and Non-US registrants: Unless you have a credit card that works in the US, please choose PAYPAL as your first payment option on the following page. You do not need a Paypal account to use Paypal. You can check out as a Guest. Thank you!
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