Consciousness, Food, Physiology, and the Environment
Part Three: The Life-Changing Role of Food in Our Lives
Pure, Vital, Intelligent Food as a Means of Developing Full Human Potential — Vedic Food for Vedic Consciousness
Part Three: Starts August 4, 2024
Course website: https://www.miu.edu/mvoa
This course gives understanding and experience of the dynamic, interactive relationship between our own consciousness, feelings, thoughts, and perceptions, and the consciousness and lively intelligence of our environment. 
Instructor: Dr. John Konhaus
Part Three consists of over 13 hours of recorded videos plus three live webinars. Videos and course materials are available to view for one year.
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Consciousness, Food, Physiology, & the Environment, Part Three, Course Fee
Consciousness, Food, Physiology, & the Environment, Part Three, Course Fee
Consciousness, Food, Physiology, & the Environment, Part Three, Course Fee
Consciousness, Food, Physiology, & the Environment, Part Three, Course Fee - Person #2
Consciousness, Food, Physiology, & the Environment, Part Three, Course Fee - Person #2
Consciousness, Food, Physiology, & the Environment, Part Three, Course Fee - Person #2
Refund Policy: We offer a full refund for each Part to anyone who requests it before starting the third class in the Part.
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