Consciousness Advisors Application Form

Become a Consciousness Advisor and learn the techniques, tools, and processes which you can apply in your own life and use to support others on the path to expanding their experience of Consciousness!

This course is available to take for your own knowledge and benefit and/or for those wishing to join the Certified Consciousness Advisors* around the world.

Course Description

This course delves deeply into many powerful and ancient modalities for improving health and expanding Consciousness:

  • Deepen your own understanding of Dr. Nader’s Theory of Consciousness and how it applies to practical life
  • Gain the ability to talk about Consciousness and how the expansion of Consciousness leads to solutions in life in a clear and understandable way
  • Learn to use a special Consciousness Journey tool to introduce others to programs to create balanced health and diet, to build homes and buildings that support greater success, to identify the patterns and trends in life to avoid problems before they arise, and more
  • Learn how to identify what area of life is most in need of attention to expand the experience of Consciousness
  • Gain the chance to contribute in a rich and meaningful way to expanding the experience of Consciousness globally.

*Certified Consciousness Advisors are now available in 14 countries, including USA, Canada, Germany, France, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark and more.  If your country is not on this list yet, then please check with your TM National Office when they plan to launch. You will only be able to start to work as a Consciousness Advisor after the program is launched in your country.

PLEASE NOTE: This upcoming course will be available for English speakers only

Course Dates: Starts August 18, 2024 with the Consciousness Applied course, and continues October 5 – November 23 with the Consciousness: A New Paradigm course. Once those prerequisites are complete, the Consciousness Advisor course starts on December 8, 2024.

Expected time to allot to this course: approx. 4-5 hours/week for 10 months.

The course structure includes:

  • Approx 70 hours of online knowledge videos with Dr. Tony Nader and other experts in Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness
  • An in-depth Study Guide 
  • Weekly live Zoom Q&A sessions with expert Certified Consciousness Advisors
  • Access to over 30 Knowledge sheets, and more!

Steps to Certification:

  • Acceptance by your National Course Office
  • Consciousness Applied Course included in registration fee
  • New Paradigm Course included in registration fee
  • View the required videos
  • Submit a 5-minute Consciousness talk video
  • Practical training which consisting of 4 client meetings prior to certification

All  Certified Consciousness Advisors will:

  1. Use our online booking service through your own personal website created for you with your picture, bio, online appointment booking calendar and payment facilities.
  2. Automated Client follow-up: All your clients will automatically receive confirmation and reminder emails and text messages through our EASY booking system. 
  3. Receive amazing support with all materials, ongoing training, technical and practice support, and more.
  4. For those with their own client base will receive 85% of your net client fees and those receiving clients through one of our marketing partners will receive 70% of fees and the partner will receive 15%. There will be additional compensation for supporting your clients to book in some of the other Consciousness-based programs and services to support their Consciousness journey.

About Dr Tony Nader:

Dr Tony Nader is a distinguished speaker, leader, and author, celebrated for his groundbreaking work in the field of Consciousness. He is the author of the eagerly anticipated book "One Unbounded Ocean of Consciousness". Dr Nader, M.D., Ph.D., MARR, is a medical doctor trained at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D. in neuroscience), and a globally recognized Vedic scholar. More about Dr. Nader >

Prerequisites: Dr. Nader’s 14-Lesson Consciousness: A New Paradigm Course and Dr. Nader’s 12-Lesson Consciousness Applied Course, both of which are included in the course fee for this course. The SuperHabits, SuperRelationships and SuperPurpose courses are also included in the course fee and we encourage you to take them, but they are optional.

Please choose one: *
Have you taken any Center Invincibility Courses or TM Retreats?

TM-Sidhi Course Information:

I am taking the Consciousness Advisors Course: (Choose one.) *
Are you or have you ever been a Wellness Coach or Life Coach? *
Do you have a personal network of potential clients? *
Do you have any marketing experience? *
Consciousness Advisors Course Fee *
Your application fee will be applied to your full course fee and includes access to Dr. Nader's 12-Lesson Consciousness Applied course and the 14-Lesson Consciousness: A New Paradigm Course, unless you already completed it.
After you receive your acceptance, how would you like to pay the remaining $4250 course fee? (Or reduced country discount if that applies.) *
Consciousness Advisors Certification Fee
Consciousness Advisors Certification Fee (Person #2)
Consciousness Advisors Certification Fee - Person #2
Consciousness Advisors Course Fee - Person #2
Refund Policy: Because this application fee includes two courses, it is non-refundable, regardless of whether you receive an acceptance to become a Consciousness Advisor.
Current Total:
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