Low-Cost Organic Agriculture
and Introduction to Vedic Agriculture
Course description: https://www.miu.edu/organic-agriculture
Learn about low-cost organic gardening and farming using modern techniques and the ancient principles of Vedic Agriculture with Dr. Appachanda Thimmaiah. This 5-lesson online self-study course consists of 3 hours of videos, to be viewed at your convenience. Videos are available to view for one year after signing up.
Prerequisites: None

A link and password will be emailed to you immediately after signing up.

Low-Cost Organic Agriculture and Introduction to Vedic Agriculture Course Fee
Low-Cost Organic Agriculture and Introduction to Vedic Agriculture Course
Low-Cost Organic Agriculture and Introduction to Vedic Agriculture Course - Person #2
Low-Cost Organic Agriculture and Introduction to Vedic Agriculture Course - Person #2
Refund policy: We offer a full refund to anyone who requests it before starting the second lesson.
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