Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance
5-Lesson Course for Beginners
with Dr. Ann Crowell
Course description: http://miu.edu/maharishi-vedic-astrology-at-a-glance

This easy-to-understand 5-lesson course, taught by Dr. Ann Crowell, consists of five 1.5-hour videos designed specially for beginners. Learn the basic structure and components of a Maharishi Jyotish horoscope, including the basic vocabulary and principles of prediction.

This is an online self-study course.

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Please choose one: (Please note that the prerequisite for this course is one of the following.)
I agree not to share or copy any audio tracks, video, or images from this course, whether by means of analog recording, download, upload, broadcast, stream, screen-grab, or any other means. *

Access to the course website will be emailed to you immediately after signing up.

Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course *
Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course
Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course
Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course (Person #2)
Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course - Person #2
Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course - Person #2
Maharishi Vedic Astrology at a Glance, 5-Lesson Course - Person #2
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