Winter 2025 World Peace Assembly
Maharishi International University
December 29, 2024 – January 13, 2025
For Full-Time TM-Organization Staff/Faculty, MIU Students, Full-Time Governors
and IAA Grant Recipients
Click here to view the course website.
Course email:
Help create a global wave of peace and harmony!
First Name
Last Name
Country (if other than USA)
Email Address
Please enter your email address again.
First Name #2
MI #2
Last Name #2
Email Address (Person #2)
Please enter your email address again.
Please choose one of the following:
Certified Governor
How do you plan to participate in the Winter Assembly?
In person
Online only
Do you have a Dome badge that is valid through January 13, 2025?
No, but I have received recent approval from to receive a dome badge.
My sticker expiration date is:
The name on my badge is:
The last four digits of my Social Security number is:
TM-Sidhi Course Information:
Type (CIC, CAC, AEGTC, TTC, Israel, etc.)
Flying Block Dates (Approx)
Flying Block Location:
Former names: (If none, enter NA)
Last four digits of your social security number
Nearest TM Center (City, State)
Date when you learned TM
Name of TM Teacher
TM Center/Location where you learned TM
Former name when learning TM (if applicable)
Last four digits of social security number
Have you taken any Center Invincibility Courses or TM Retreats?
If yes, please enter where and when.
Please choose one of the following (Person #2):
Please choose one of the following: (Person #2)
I am currently an MIU student
I am currently an MIU Online student (not in Fairfield)
I am not currently an MIU student
Date when you learned TM (Person #2)
Name of TM Teacher (Person #2)
Former name when learning TM (if applicable) (Person #2)
TM Center/Location (Person #2)
Last four digits of social security number (Person #2)
Have you taken any Center Invincibility Courses or TM Retreats? (Person #2)
Please list the TM Center where you are currently teaching or TM organization where you work full-time. Or if you are an MIU student, please type MIU Student. (On-campus MIU Students can remain in their rooms for free, but will need to pay for meals during the course.)
MIU Winter World Peace Assembly
$0 IAA Grant Recipients
$0 Full-time Governors, MIU/MSAE/MF staff/students, and other TM organizational staff/faculty
MIU Summer World Peace Assembly (Person #2)
$175 general tuition fee for entire two-week course
$75 For local Fairfield/Maharishi Vedic City residents
$0 IAA Grant Recipients
$0 Full-time Governors, MIU/MSAE/MF and other TM organizational staff/faculty
Current Total: