Maharishi's Life and Teaching: 1976 - 1985
with Dr. John Boncheff
An online self-study course.
In this 10-lesson course, John Boncheff, PhD, takes us back to those earlier days of Maharishi’s life, work, and teaching: 1976-1985. Far from being a mere popular history of time and place, this series delves deeply into Maharishi’s groundbreaking contributions and the evolution of his message over time, as seen through rare recordings, official transcripts, and original publications.
Videos and course materials will be accessible to you for one year after signing up. 
Prerequisites: Previous courses in this series are not a prerequisite.
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Maharishi's Life and Teaching: 1976 - 1985
Maharishi's Life and Teaching: 1976 - 1985
Maharishi's Life and Teaching: 1976 - 1985
Maharishi's Life and Teaching: 1976 - 1985
Maharishi's Life and Teaching: 1976 - 1985 (Person #2)
Refund Policy: We offer a full refund to anyone who requests it before starting the third session.
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