Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course
with Discussions Led by Professor Gerry Geer
This 16-lesson course consists of 13 hours of videos by Maharishi, who unfolds the knowledge of higher stages of human development in a fascinating, detailed, and systematic way, plus nine live one-hour Zoom sessions led by MIU Professor Gerry Geer.
Course Dates: March 15 - May 10, 2025. Zoom meetings will be on Saturdays at 12:00 pm US Central Time.
Worldwide Times: 1:00 pm EDT | 12:00 pm CDT | 11:00 am MDT | 10:00 am PDT | 7:00 am HST | 5:00 pm UK | 6:00 pm CET | 7:00 pm EET / SAST | 8:00 pm MSK | (Next Day) 6:00 am NZDT (European times are one hour later after March 30.)
Prerequisites: This course is open to all TM Meditators, TM Sidhas and TM Teachers.
Videos by Maharishi and recordings of the Zoom discussions are available for one year.