Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course
with Discussions Led by Professor Gerry Geer
Course description: https://miu.edu/higher-states-ce-course
This 16-lesson course consists of 13 hours of videos by Maharishi, who unfolds the knowledge of higher stages of human development in a fascinating, detailed, and systematic way, plus nine live one-hour Zoom sessions led by MIU Professor Gerry Geer.
Course Dates: August 31 - October 26, 2024. Webinars will be on Saturdays at 11:00 am US Central Time.
Worldwide Times: 12:00 pm EDT | 11:00 am CDT | 10:00 am MDT | 9:00 am PDT | 6:00 am HST | 5:00 pm UK | 6:00 pm CEST / SAST | 7:00 pm EEST / MSK  | (Next Day) 4:00 am NZST
Prerequisites: This course is open to all TM Meditators, TM Sidhas and TM Teachers.
Languages: This course is in English with live German translation available. Der Kurs ist auf Englisch, aber es sind deutsche Untertitel für die Videos von Maharishi verfügbar. Auch die Live-Zoom-Treffen werden in das Deutsche übersetzt.
Videos by Maharishi and recordings of the Zoom discussions are available for one year.
Please choose one: (Please note that the prerequisite for this course is one of the following.) *
Please choose one (Person #2): (Please note that the prerequisite for this course is one of the following.)

Zoom links and access to the course webpage will be emailed to you immediately after signing up.

Some countries have a discounted country course fee. To find out about your country, please check the list below and select the correct amount.
Select your Discounted Country Course Fee
Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course Fee
Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course Fee - Person #2
Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course Fee
Higher States of Consciousness 16-Lesson Course Fee
Refund Policy: We offer a full refund to anyone who requests it before viewing Lesson Four.
Note to Europeans and Non-US registrants: Unless you have a credit card that works in the US, please choose PAYPAL as your first payment option on the following page. You do not need a Paypal account to use Paypal. You can check out as a Guest. Thank you!
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