IMPORTANT:  This form must be submitted every SATURDAY!  Only check the shift you would like to work for the upcoming week.  Choose 1 shift per day.  You will be advised by email if its not approved.  

You will be evaluated carefully and accurately during the conclusion of each 5 day work week.  Our company works from 9am - 9pm; Monday - Friday:  Weekends are optional. 
Pay cycle: 1st - 15th, Pay Day is the 5th.  Pay cycle:  16th - end of the month, Pay Day is the 20th

Employee Information


Job Knowledge & Evaluation Rating Scale

Your performance will be Rated using the following scale:
  1. Rarely meets expectations 
  2. Sometimes meets expectations 
  3. Meets expectations
  4. Frequently meets and exceeds expectations  
  5. Consistent exceeds expectations

Strive to be number 1 in all areas. Production Requirements Per Shift: FA's = 108 Important Notice Deliveries per shift / (36 Per Hour). FA's = 21 Applications per shift. (7 Per Hour). Enrollment Agents = 7 Activated Enrollments Per Day. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!

You Are Working the following shifts.
9 am - 12 pm
12 pm - 3 pm
3 pm - 6 pm
6 pm - 9 pm

Productivity (To be completed by supervisor)

Rate this employee in the following areas.
Enthusiastic about daily work
Meets deadlines
Present and on time
Capable of handling multiple tasks at once
Completes tasks correctly and with accuracy

Teamwork (To be completed by supervisor)

Rate this employee in the following areas.
Treats coworkers with respect
Provides and accepts constructive criticism
Willingly works with others
Shares team resources
Contributes an appropriate amount of work

Leadership (To be completed by supervisor)

Rate this employee in the following areas.
Takes responsibility for his/her actions
Capable of working without constant supervision
Makes sound decisions
Remains calm and effective in high pressure situations
Motivates coworkers to achieve goals

Overall Performance (To be completed by supervisor)

Should this employee be considered for promotion?
Should this employee be considered for termination?
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