Fletcher Middle School
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
6:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Immediately following the promotion ceremony.
PLEASE RSVP by MONDAY, MAY 1st, whether or not your
student plans to attend the party.
Please fill out one form per student, and please answer all the questions.
Thank you!
No admittance without prior RSVP. 
This event is for 8th grade, Fletcher students only.



You MUST answer each of the following questions in order for your student to attend the event.
Student will attend *

You must read and consent to the terms of the Parent/Guardian Event Permission Waiver and Medical Authorization in order for your student to attend the event. Please click on link above to view. *
I understand that there will be a photographer and a photo booth at the party. The photographer will post pictures to a private, password protected website ONLY. Participation in the photo booth is of course voluntary. I understand that by attending, images of my student may be shared with others in the 8th grade community. If I do not want my student in photos, I must explain that to my student prior to the party, and not depend on the volunteer parents to monitor my wishes. *
In case of medical emergency, if parent named above cannot be reached, the persons in charge of the party are authorized to obtain medical care. *
My student has special food allergies/medicine needs. *
Please sign this form electronically to provide your consent.


The greatest source of funding (including scholarships to ensure all 8th graders can attend) for this party comes from generous and caring parents like you. Please consider making a donation of $75 or more to support the 8th grade Promotion Party. Donations of $75 or more will include your student's admission ticket to the dance and dinner.

Ticket Options *
A gift of your time is also greatly appreciated, so if you wish to lend a hand volunteering to make the 8th grade promotion party an extra special event for our students, please indicate below. We will need volunteers to decorate and prep food the day of the party especially. Please check the appropriate box if you are able to volunteer on the day of the promotion, May 29th.
* If paying by cash or check (payable to "Fletcher PTA"), please print out this form and return it to the school office OR you may mail it to: 
Fletcher PTA Attn: 8th Grade Promotion
Fletcher Middle School
655 Arastradero Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Total of Above
PLEASE CLICK NEXT to process your RSVP.
PTA uses PayPal for payment processing, you may pay by either credit card OR PayPal when paying online.