Our heart goes out to all victims and families impacted by the building collapse in Surfside. Art can be a calming and motivational outlet for many people. To show our support to the Surfside community and all those affected, we want to flood our community with beautiful images of local art. We invite you to share your artwork of healing and love. Your upload can be anything you see as art: a painting, sketch, or even a photo.
Even your children can get involved to help bring love to families in need with their very own renderings.
Once your masterpiece is complete, take a picture (jpeg) of it on a solid background and upload it to this form.
Tell us about yourself. 
* required fields

Click HERE to see art submitted by the community. 
Do you attest that this artwork was created by you, and if selected, give permission for United Way of Miami-Dade to share your artwork for publication with our media partners, including but not limited to the Miami Herald/el Nuevo Herald and Univision? *
Additional resources:
Find additional volunteer opportunities at VolunteerMiami.org
Donate to the Surfside Relief Fund through Operation Helping Hands
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