Volta Artist of the Moment

Here are some details about Volta's Artist of the Moment Program.
  • Your pieces will be on display at Volta for an agreed amount of time (usually a month)
  • The show will be 5-15 pieces depending on size.
  • You are allowed to sell your pieces, but all sales must be handled by you. We don't collect any commissions on your sales. 
  • We have multiple designated wall spaces to display art in the gym and are open to talking about alternative displays if you're a multimedia/sculpture artist (etc)!
  • If you are accepted, we ask that you sign our Volta Artist Agreement. 
Thank you for your submission! We wish you luck in your professional and artistic endeavors and cannot wait to see your latest work. If you have any questions about the form or problems submitting your pieces, please reach out to info@voltaclimbing.com. We are here to help :)
What is your art medium? *
Months of Availability *

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