Volta BIPOC Climbing Night

We are excited to start hosting BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) Climbing Nights at our gym. These events will be an opportunity to meet new people and build community, learn new things, and climb in an inclusive and supportive environment. All levels are invited and no climbing experience is required. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. Your input is invaluable!
Questions? Email info@voltaclimbing.com
Are you a member of the BIPOC community? *
How interested are you in attending a BIPOC climbing night? *
What days of the week would work best for you to attend a BIPOC Climbing Night? Our first one will be a Monday, but we are open to switching if a better time works for more members of the community. *
What time of day would you prefer for the BIPOC Climbing Night? *
Would you prefer that BIPOC Climbing Night occur... *
What would you like to see at BIPOC Climbing Night? *
Do you currently climb at Volta? *
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